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Text File | 1995-08-13 | 24.2 KB | 631 lines | [TEXT/CWIE] |
- /*
- CopyBitsQuickly.c
- CopyBitsQuickly.c is a dumb substitute for CopyBits that ignores the color
- tables and palettes, simply copying the raw pixels without any translation. It's
- for doing animations. (Try the demo Sandstorm.) Besides copying images, it can
- also add or multiply them. At one time it copied much faster than CopyBits did,
- but the latest timing (under System 7), by TimeVideo, indicates that they are of
- approximately equal speed.
- Apple's CopyBits is an Apple Macintosh Toolbox routine for copying images, and
- is documented in Inside Macintosh Volumes I,V, and VI, and New Inside Macintosh:
- "Imaging with QuickDraw". CopyBitsQuickly does not cause the Memory Manager to
- move memory, and thus may be used in a VBL task.
- I suggest that you use the higher-level interface provided by
- the VideoToolbox CopyWindows.c, which saves you from getting your hands dirty
- messing with pixmaps. You can just deal with windows and GWorlds.
- The returned value is nonzero if an error occurred.
- CopyBitsQuickly supports four modes:
- • srcCopy copies the source to the destination.
- • addOver adds the source to the destination. Both must have 8-bit pixels.
- Overflow is ignored.
- • addOverParallel adds the source to the destination (4 bytes at a time), i.e.
- parallel addition. Overflow may carry over into neighboring pixels within the image.
- Supports all pixel sizes.
- • mulOver causes the source and destination to be multiplied, pixel by pixel. Both
- must have 8-bit pixels. After multiplication, the product is divided by 128 and
- stored in the destination. Overflow is ignored. All the arithmetic is unsigned.
- • srcBits and dstBits must both have the same number of bits/pixel.
- • dstRect and srcRect must have the same size.
- • mode must be either srcCopy, addOver, addOverParallel, or mulOver.
- • maskRgn must be NULL.
- • If mode is addOver or mulOver then the pixel size must be 8 bits.
- • If CopyBitsQuickly detects a violation of any of these restrictions it will return
- a nonzero value, indicating that an error occured.
- 0 Success.
- 1 Illegal srcMode (only srcCopy, addOver, and mulOver are allowed).
- 2 maskRgn!=NULL.
- 3 Source and destination rects are of unequal size.
- 4 After clipping there were no pixels to copy, or RectToAddress couldn't resolve
- address of source or destination.
- 5 Source and destination have unequal pixel sizes.
- 6 We need 32-bit addressing but it's not available.
- 7 This mode requires 8-bit pixels and the supplied pixel size is not 8 bits.
- I learned the trick of using a switch() to jump into a loop from Bill Karsh's solution
- to the April 1994 MacTech Programmer's Challenge.
- • If a Rect extends across multiple screens, only as much of the upper-left of
- the Rect that's on one device will be used. The rest is clipped off.
- • When accessing a screen, CopyBitsQuickly() ought to, but doesn't, call
- ShieldCursor() to remove the cursor from the part of the screen it's reading or
- writing. Calling ShieldCursor would also have the desirable side effect of
- informing nonstandard video devices, like the Radius PowerView, that the screen
- has been updated. (NOTE: CopyWindows does this for you before calling CopyBitsQuickly.)
- NOTE: For highest speed you should choose your srcRectPtr & dstRectPtr so that
- the first point moved to and from each row begins at a memory address that is a
- multiple of 4 bytes. The effect on speed is substantial, about 25%.
- NOTE: If your computer boots in 24-bit mode, as set by the Memory Control Panel,
- then the THINK C Debugger will crash if it's activated while you've temporarily
- switched into 32-bit mode. So don't put any breakpoints in any section of code
- that's bracketed by calls to SwapMMUMode() unless your computer booted up in
- 32-bit mode. If your computer boots in 32-bit mode then the calls to SwapMMUMode
- do nothing, and you can put Debugger breakpoints anywhere.
- BlockMoveData is a new (as of System Update 3.0 to System 7) variant of
- BlockMove that omits cache flushing. Issuing BlockMoveData() on earlier versions
- of the operating system will invoke plain old BlockMove(). BlockMoveData, like
- BlockMove, uses the MOVE16 instruction, on computers that have it, so it could
- potentially be faster than the generic code that most compilers produce.
- However, I haven't found any speed advantage on the PowerBook 170, Mac II, IIfx,
- and Power Mac in my lab (none of which have the 68040, which is the only cpu
- that has MOVE16). I haven't tried it on a Quadra.
- To my surprise, BlockMoveData isn't faster than my C loop on the Mac II, IIfx,
- or Power Mac 6100/60, and is distinctly slower in a few cases (e.g. 1 bit mode
- on Toby card), so I've disabled it. So the following 2 paragraphs are moot.
- IGNORE: CopyBitsQuickly.c, if possible, now uses Apple's BlockMoveData() for
- highest possible speed on all Macs. For best performance you should set your
- Memory Control Panel to 32-bit addressing, and you should install Apple's System
- Update 3.0, which requires System 7.1, or whatever System release supercedes it.
- If your Mac is very old, e.g. a Mac II, you may need to install the freely
- available MODE32 init in order to be able to enable 32-bit addressing.
- IGNORE: I've disabled the use of BlockMoveData if the computer has a 68040
- processor, yet is a Mac II. I do this because BlockMoveData crashes on my Radius
- Rocket (68040 processor on a NuBus card) in my Mac II when handed addresses in
- video memory, even though MODE32 is installed. Presumably this indicates that
- the BlockMove routine is not 32-bit clean, despite the runtime patches installed
- by MODE32. This is puzzling since BlockMove works fine accessing the same video
- addresses in either 24 or 32-bit mode (with MODE32) without the Rocket.
- Copyright ©1989-1995 Denis G. Pelli.
- 1/89 dgp Version 2.0: added support for PixMaps and multiple screens. Added checking.
- 6/89 dgp Version 3.0: now use RectToAddress, which clips to one device.
- 10/89 dgp Version 3.5: Improved resolution from longs to bytes.
- 10/89 dgp Version 4.0: Added new mode: addOver
- 3/90 dgp Version 4.01: Made cosmetic changes:
- renamed srcRect & dstRect to srcRectPtr and dstRectPtr.
- renamed srcAdd to addOver, to conform to CopyBits.
- added a few more comments to explain the initial clipping.
- 3/20/90 dgp made compatible with MPW C.
- 4/20/90 dgp now uses 32-bit addressing only if QD32 is present.
- 4/9/91 dgp v 4.05: changed nudge from short to long, just to be safe
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 4/15/92 dgp Updated CopyBitsQuickly's function header to Standard C style.
- 10/5/92 dgp Dropped support for THINK C 4. Updated the documentation above.
- 12/2/92 dgp cosmetic changes
- 12/8/92 dgp fixed major gaffe introduced on 12/2/92: "case" prefix was
- missing in switch statement. This caused CopyBitsQuickly to do nothing.
- 1/31/93 dgp Added new "multiplyQuickly" mode requested by Josh Solomon. Now
- insist on 8-bit pixels for both addOver and multiplyQuickly modes.
- 2/18/93 js added mulOver to list of allowed modes. (Oops! - dgp.) Works ok now.
- 2/18/93 dgp Now return int, nonzero if error occurred.
- 7/9/93 dgp check for 32-bit addressing capability.
- 6/5/94 dgp Replaced all assembly code by portable C code of similar speed. Only call
- SwapMMUMode() if we must. Give error if we need 32-bit mode and it's not
- available. Documented the returned value.
- 6/7/94 dgp Added code to use Apple's BlockMoveData() for highest
- possible speed on all Macs, but disabled it because it didn't turn
- out to be faster on the machines on which I've tested it: Mac II, IIfx,
- and Power Mac 6100/60.
- 6/7/94 dgp Added new mode "addOverParallel" which accepts any pixelSize and adds
- source to destination very quickly by adding 4 bytes at a time.
- 6/14/94 dgp can32 is now computed by calling TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode), which
- returns the correct answer even on Macs with dirty ROMs.
- 5/23/95 dgp Apple changed the prototype in the header file from SwapMMUMode(char *) to
- SwapMMUMode(signed char *). To retain compatibility with both old and new
- headers, I cast the argument (void *).
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- void ReadPixels(int x,int y,int n,unsigned long *value
- ,unsigned char *baseAddr,long pixelSize,long rowBytes);
- void WritePixels(int x,int y,int n,unsigned long *value
- ,unsigned char *baseAddr,long pixelSize,long rowBytes);
- // The srcMode constants addOverParallel and mulOver are defined in VideoToolbox.h
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h> // _SwapMMUMode
- #endif
- // These THINK C options seem to have very little effect on the code produced.
- // However, if you don't disable "assign_registers" then one of the variables
- // declared "register" in srcCopyQuickly() fails to be assigned to a register.
- #pragma options(!assign_registers,honor_register,redundant_loads,defer_adjust)
- #pragma options(global_optimizer,gopt_induction,gopt_loop,gopt_cse,gopt_coloring)
- #endif
- typedef unsigned char *UPtr;
- static void Expand8(double hMag,double vMag,double hOffset,double vOffset
- ,register UPtr Src,Rect *srcRect,unsigned long srcRowBytes
- ,register UPtr Dst,Rect *dstRect,unsigned long dstRowBytes,Boolean do32);
- static void Expand(double hMag,double vMag,double hOffset,double vOffset
- ,register UPtr Src,Rect *srcRect,int srcPixelBits,unsigned long srcRowBytes
- ,register UPtr Dst,Rect *dstRect,int dstPixelBits,unsigned long dstRowBytes,Boolean do32);
- static void SrcCopyQuickly(UPtr Src,unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr Dst,unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,unsigned long lines,Boolean do32);
- static void SrcCopyQuickly2(UPtr Src,unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr Dst,unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,unsigned long lines,Boolean do32);
- static void AddOverParallel(UPtr Src,unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr Dst,unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,unsigned long lines,Boolean do32);
- static void AddOver8(UPtr Src,unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr Dst,unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,unsigned long lines,Boolean do32);
- static void MulOver8(UPtr Src,unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr Dst,unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,unsigned long lines,Boolean do32);
- int CopyBitsQuickly(BitMap *srcBits,BitMap *dstBits
- ,Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr,long srcMode,RgnHandle maskRgn)
- {
- UPtr Src,Dst;
- long srcinc,dstinc;
- unsigned long lines;
- short srcRowBytes,dstRowBytes,srcPixelSize,dstPixelSize,srcBitsOffset,dstBitsOffset;
- Rect mySrcRect,myDstRect;
- int hOffset,vOffset;
- double hMag,vMag;
- long nudge,bytes;
- Boolean do32,useBlockMove;
- static Boolean can32,is32,wantBlockMove,firstTime=1;
- long error,addressing,machine,processor;
- srcMode&=0xffff; // upper bits are used only by CopyWindows.
- if(srcMode != srcCopy && srcMode != addOver && srcMode != addOverParallel && srcMode != mulOver)
- return 1;
- if(maskRgn != NULL) return 2;
- /* clip the rect to be copied by the bounds of source and destination */
- mySrcRect=*srcRectPtr;
- myDstRect=*dstRectPtr;
- hMag=(double)(myDstRect.right-myDstRect.left)/(mySrcRect.right-mySrcRect.left);
- vMag=(double)(myDstRect.bottom-myDstRect.top)/(mySrcRect.bottom-mySrcRect.top);
- if((vMag!=1 || hMag!=1) && srcMode!=srcCopy)return 3;
- /* first make sure that srcRect and dstRect are the same size */
- // if(mySrcRect.bottom-mySrcRect.top != myDstRect.bottom-myDstRect.top ||
- // mySrcRect.right-mySrcRect.left != myDstRect.right-myDstRect.left)
- // return 3;
- hOffset=myDstRect.left-mySrcRect.left*hMag;
- vOffset=myDstRect.top-mySrcRect.top*vMag;
- /* clip myDstRect */
- Dst = RectToAddress((PixMap *)dstBits,&myDstRect,&dstRowBytes,&dstPixelSize,&dstBitsOffset);
- /*
- This prevents writing outside the destination.
- The cost is that part of the inside will not be written.
- The problem arises because this routine's code can only write whole bytes,
- and the boundary may be in the middle of a byte. So, rather than writing an
- extra fraction of a byte (outside the destination rect) we leave the byte
- alone and fail to update a small portion inside the destination rect.
- */
- if(dstBitsOffset>0) {
- nudge=(7+dstBitsOffset)/8;
- dstBitsOffset -= nudge*8;
- Dst += nudge;
- myDstRect.left += nudge*8/dstPixelSize;
- }
- /* Copy any clipping of myDstRect over to mySrcRect */
- mySrcRect=myDstRect;
- ExpandAndOffsetRect(&mySrcRect,1/hMag,1/vMag,-hOffset/hMag,-vOffset/vMag);
- /* clip mySrcRect */
- Src=RectToAddress((PixMap *)srcBits,&mySrcRect
- ,&srcRowBytes,&srcPixelSize,&srcBitsOffset);
- /* Copy any clipping of mySrcRect back to myDstRect */
- myDstRect=mySrcRect;
- ExpandAndOffsetRect(&myDstRect,hMag,vMag,hOffset,vOffset);
- Dst=RectToAddress((PixMap *)dstBits,&myDstRect
- ,&dstRowBytes,&dstPixelSize,&dstBitsOffset);
- if(Src==NULL || Dst==NULL) return 4;
- if(srcPixelSize != dstPixelSize && srcMode!=srcCopy) return 5;
- bytes = mySrcRect.right - mySrcRect.left; /* number of pixels per line */
- bytes *= srcPixelSize; /* number of bits per line */
- bytes /= 8; /* number of bytes per line */
- srcinc = srcRowBytes - bytes; /* offset in bytes to beginning of next line */
- dstinc = dstRowBytes - bytes;
- lines=mySrcRect.bottom - mySrcRect.top; /* number of lines */
- if(srcinc==0 && dstinc==0){
- bytes*=lines;
- lines=1;
- }
- if(firstTime){
- can32=TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode);
- addressing=0;
- error=Gestalt(gestaltAddressingModeAttr,&addressing);
- is32=addressing&(1L<<gestalt32BitAddressing);
- // My tests indicate little or no advantage, even on PowerPC Macs.
- wantBlockMove=0;
- // Crude test for Rocket in Mac II.
- // BlockMove to or from a video address crashes my Radius Rocket.
- error=Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType,&processor);
- error=Gestalt(gestaltMachineType,&machine);
- if(machine==gestaltMacII && processor==gestalt68040)wantBlockMove=0;
- firstTime=0;
- }
- // Must we switch to 32-bit addressing?
- do32=(unsigned long)Src>0xffffffUL || (unsigned long)Dst>0xffffffUL;
- do32=do32 && !is32;
- if(do32 && !can32)return 6;
- // Can't use traps if we switch 24/32-bit mode.
- useBlockMove=wantBlockMove && !do32 && srcPixelSize==dstPixelSize;
- switch(srcMode){
- case srcCopy:
- if(hMag!=1 || vMag!=1 || srcPixelSize != dstPixelSize){
- if(srcPixelSize==8 && dstPixelSize==8)Expand8(hMag,vMag,hOffset,vOffset
- ,Src,&mySrcRect,srcRowBytes,Dst,&myDstRect,dstRowBytes,do32);
- else Expand(hMag,vMag,hOffset,vOffset
- ,Src,&mySrcRect,srcPixelSize,srcRowBytes
- ,Dst,&myDstRect,dstPixelSize,dstRowBytes,do32);
- } else if(useBlockMove)SrcCopyQuickly2(Src,srcinc,Dst,dstinc,bytes,lines,do32);
- else SrcCopyQuickly(Src,srcinc,Dst,dstinc,bytes,lines,do32);
- break;
- case addOverParallel:
- if(srcPixelSize!=dstPixelSize)return 5;
- AddOverParallel(Src,srcinc,Dst,dstinc,bytes,lines,do32);
- break;
- case addOver:
- if(srcPixelSize!=8 || dstPixelSize!=8)return 7;
- AddOver8(Src,srcinc,Dst,dstinc,bytes,lines,do32);
- break;
- case mulOver:
- if(srcPixelSize!=8 || dstPixelSize!=8)return 7;
- MulOver8(Src,srcinc,Dst,dstinc,bytes,lines,do32);
- break;
- default:
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void Expand8(double hMag,double vMag,double hOffset,double vOffset
- ,register UPtr Src,Rect *srcRect,unsigned long srcRowBytes
- ,register UPtr Dst,Rect *dstRect,unsigned long dstRowBytes,Boolean do32)
- {
- int hh=round(hMag),vv=round(vMag);
- int srcWidth,dstWidth;
- register int i,j,ii;
- register UPtr src,dst;
- register unsigned char a;
- signed char mmumode=true32b;
- hOffset;vOffset;dstRect; /* unused arguments */
- srcWidth=srcRect->right-srcRect->left;
- dstWidth=srcWidth*hh;
- for(j=srcRect->bottom-srcRect->top;j>0;j--){
- src=Src;
- dst=Dst;
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- for(i=srcWidth;i>0;i--){
- a=*src++;
- for(ii=hh;ii>0;ii--)*dst++=a;
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- src=Dst;
- Dst+=dstRowBytes;
- for(ii=vv-1;ii>0;ii--){
- BlockMoveData(src,Dst,dstWidth);
- Dst+=dstRowBytes;
- }
- Src+=srcRowBytes;
- }
- }
- static void Expand(double hMag,double vMag,double hOffset,double vOffset
- ,register UPtr Src,Rect *srcRect,int srcPixelBits,unsigned long srcRowBytes
- ,register UPtr Dst,Rect *dstRect,int dstPixelBits,unsigned long dstRowBytes,Boolean do32)
- {
- int hh=round(hMag),vv=round(vMag);
- long srcWidth,dstWidth,bytes;
- register int i,j,ii;
- register UPtr src;
- signed char mmumode=true32b;
- unsigned long value[1024],v,*srcV,*dstV;
- hOffset;vOffset;dstRect;do32; /* unused arguments */
- srcWidth=srcRect->right-srcRect->left;
- dstWidth=srcWidth*hh;
- bytes=dstWidth*dstPixelBits/8;
- for(j=srcRect->bottom-srcRect->top;j>0;j--){
- ReadPixels(0,0,srcWidth,value,Src,srcPixelBits,srcRowBytes);
- srcV=value+srcWidth-1;
- dstV=value+srcWidth*hh-1;
- for(i=srcWidth;i>0;i--){
- v=*srcV--;
- for(ii=hh;ii>0;ii--)*dstV--=v;
- }
- WritePixels(0,0,dstWidth,value,Dst,dstPixelBits,dstRowBytes);
- src=Dst;
- Dst+=dstRowBytes;
- for(ii=vv-1;ii>0;ii--){
- BlockMoveData(src,Dst,bytes);
- Dst+=dstRowBytes;
- }
- Src+=srcRowBytes;
- }
- }
- static void SrcCopyQuickly2(register UPtr Src,register unsigned long srcinc,
- register UPtr Dst,register unsigned long dstinc,
- unsigned long bytes,register unsigned long lines,Boolean do32)
- {
- // See discussion of BlockMoveData at top of this file.
- do32; /* dgp: prevent "unused argument" warning */
- srcinc+=bytes;
- dstinc+=bytes;
- for(;lines>0;lines--){
- BlockMoveData(Src,Dst,bytes);
- Src+=srcinc;
- Dst+=dstinc;
- }
- }
- #define useMask 0
- static void SrcCopyQuickly(UPtr xSrc,register unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr xDst,register unsigned long dstinc,
- register unsigned long bytes,register unsigned long lines,Boolean do32)
- {
- register unsigned long *SrcL=(unsigned long *)xSrc,*DstL=(unsigned long *)xDst;
- register long i;
- signed char mmumode=true32b;
- static unsigned long mask32[4]={0,0xff,0xffff,0xffffff};
- register unsigned long m=mask32[bytes&3];
- if(useMask){
- srcinc+=bytes&3;
- dstinc+=bytes&3;
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- for(;lines>0;lines--) {
- i=bytes>>7;
- switch((bytes>>2)&31){
- for(;i>=0;i--){
- *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 31: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 30: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 29: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 28: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 27: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 26: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 25: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 24: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 23: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 22: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 21: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 20: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 19: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 18: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 17: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 16: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 15: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 14: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 13: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 12: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 11: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 10: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 9: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 8: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 7: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 6: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 5: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 4: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 3: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 2: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 1: *DstL++ = *SrcL++;
- case 0:;
- }
- }
- if(useMask){
- if(m) *DstL=(m & *SrcL) | (!m & *DstL);
- }else{
- if(bytes&2){
- *(unsigned short *)DstL=*(unsigned short *)SrcL;
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned short *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned short *)SrcL);
- }
- if(bytes&1){
- *(unsigned char *)DstL=*(unsigned char *)SrcL;
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned char *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned char *)SrcL);
- }
- }
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(dstinc+(unsigned char *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(srcinc+(unsigned char *)SrcL);
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* restore */
- }
- static void AddOverParallel(UPtr xSrc,register unsigned long srcinc,
- UPtr xDst,register unsigned long dstinc,
- register unsigned long bytes,register unsigned long lines,Boolean do32)
- {
- register unsigned long *SrcL=(unsigned long *)xSrc,*DstL=(unsigned long *)xDst;
- register long i;
- signed char mmumode;
- mmumode=true32b;
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- for(;lines>0;lines--) {
- i=bytes>>7;
- switch((bytes>>2)&31){
- for(;i>=0;i--){
- *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 31: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 30: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 29: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 28: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 27: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 26: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 25: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 24: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 23: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 22: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 21: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 20: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 19: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 18: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 17: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 16: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 15: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 14: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 13: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 12: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 11: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 10: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 9: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 8: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 7: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 6: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 5: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 4: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 3: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 2: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 1: *DstL++ += *SrcL++;
- case 0:;
- }
- }
- if(bytes&2){
- *(unsigned short *)DstL += *(unsigned short *)SrcL;
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned short *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned short *)SrcL);
- }
- if(bytes&1){
- *(unsigned char *)DstL += *(unsigned char *)SrcL;
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned char *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(1+(unsigned char *)SrcL);
- }
- DstL=(unsigned long *)(dstinc+(unsigned char *)DstL);
- SrcL=(unsigned long *)(srcinc+(unsigned char *)SrcL);
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* restore */
- }
- static void AddOver8(register UPtr Src,register unsigned long srcinc,
- register UPtr Dst,register unsigned long dstinc,
- register unsigned long bytes,register unsigned long lines,Boolean do32)
- {
- register long i;
- signed char mmumode;
- mmumode=true32b;
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- for(;lines>0;lines--) {
- i=bytes>>5;
- switch(bytes&31){
- for(;i>=0;i--){
- *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 31: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 30: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 29: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 28: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 27: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 26: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 25: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 24: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 23: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 22: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 21: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 20: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 19: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 18: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 17: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 16: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 15: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 14: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 13: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 12: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 11: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 10: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 9: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 8: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 7: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 6: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 5: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 4: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 3: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 2: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 1: *Dst++ += *Src++;
- case 0:;
- }
- }
- Src += srcinc;
- Dst += dstinc;
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* restore */
- }
- // Multiply two unsigned 8-bit pixels, and divide the product by 128.
- static void MulOver8(register UPtr Src,register unsigned long srcinc,
- register UPtr Dst,register unsigned long dstinc,
- register unsigned long bytes,register unsigned long lines,Boolean do32)
- {
- register long i;
- signed char mmumode;
- mmumode=true32b;
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* set 32-bit mode */
- for(;lines>0;lines--) {
- i=bytes>>4;
- switch(bytes&15){
- for(;i>=0;i--){
- *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 15: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 14: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 13: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 12: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 11: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 10: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 9: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 8: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 7: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 6: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 5: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 4: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 3: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 2: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 1: *Dst = ((unsigned short)(*Dst)*(*Src++))>>7; Dst++;
- case 0:;
- }
- }
- Src += srcinc;
- Dst += dstinc;
- }
- if(do32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mmumode); /* restore */
- }